We are passionate storytellers. It’s at the heart of everything we do and using the art of storytelling to engage an audience is so important to us. Over the past 15 years we have been so proud of being able to apply storytelling to content for charities and NGOs across the UK and beyond. Charities need video production. Video production is a fantastic way of engaging and informing audiences about issues but it’s also a great way to encourage audience to get off the couch and do something about it!
Here are VideoWorks we would be delighted to partner with your charity to create video content to help your cause. We have produced charity appeals, call-to-arms, emergency information videos. These have taken the form of short documentaries or animated videos. We have travelled the world helping to tell stories that would be overlooked if it weren’t for the work of the charities themselves.
If you are looking to harness the power of video production, get in touch with VideoWorks. We are mature, empathetic and sensitive. Our team can be placed into any situation and adapt. We are deeply professional and very interested in the fantastic ways British charities and NGOs have helped transform lives. Let us help you deliver on your objectives!